Investigación Científica

Título de Investigación-Científica | Cohorte 3Autor/a
Macroalgae-based BioCarbon AgroTextiles used for Soil RemediationAixa López
Effect of a High-Sugar Diet on the Motility of the Fruit Fly Drosophila Melanogaster in the Adult and Larval StagesCarlos Vázquez
The Impact of Temperature on the Life Cycle of Drosophila MelanogasterElianid Espinosa
Influence of Brood Cap Microbiota Exposure on the Development of Circadian Rhythms in Honeybees (Apis Mellifera)Jacqueline López
The Influence of Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on Drosophila melanogaster female and male locomotive responsesMarisel Cherena
Macroalgae-based BioCarbon AgroTextiles used for Soil RemediationMyraida Torres
Comparison of Water Quality Parameters in Natural and Alternated Zones of the La Plata River and Quebrada Prieta
Using Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators
Wilmari Torres
Evaluating the Locomotion Behavioral Response of Xiphocaris elongata to Ibuprofen (C13H18O2) ExposureYajaira Torres
Título de Investigación-Científica | Cohorte 2Autor/a
Study of Changes in the pH of the Intestinal Tract of a Fly Model with Autism Upon Probiotic SupplementationÁngela Del Toro
Study of Ethanol and Nicotine Tolerance in the Drosophila Melanogaster FlySandra Beltrán
Macroalgae-based Nanostructured Biocarbon Membrane used for Soil RemediationBrenda Berríos
Macro and Microscopic Changes During Regeneration and Aestivation in EchinodermsCruz Marie Vázquez
Morphological and Molecular Identification of MosquitoesMabel Rodríguez
Hydrophilic – Photoresponsive Polymeric MembranesVilma García
Microplastic Ingestion by Macroinvertebrates in Rio Piedras Urban WatershedPablo Hernández
Role of Septin9 in the Cell Cycle of Breast Cancer CellsEdwin Ramírez
Título de Investigación-Científica | Cohorte 1Autor/a
Regeneration of Tentacles of the Sea Cucumber Holothuria Glaberrima: A look at Their Anatomy and Coelomic
Diana Galloza Ramírez
Swimming Assay to Test Learning Behavior in PR Honeybees, Apis Melliferaaberrima: A look at Their Anatomy
and Coelomic Material
Brenda Lee Estévez
Research Techniques for Active Learning Using Ulva fasciata and Sargassum macroalgaeDelis M. Ortiz Santaella
The Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on the Behavior of Xiphocaris ElongataJosé Díaz Meléndez
The Attraction or Aversion Behavior of Male and Female Drosophila Melanogaster Flies to Odors Emitted by
Vinegar, Ethanol, Mint, and Vanilla
Nelly M Rodríguez Pacheco
Research Techniques for Active Learning Using Ulva fasciata and Sargassum macroalgaeEdna I. Martínez Medina
Effect of NMDA Receptor Antagonist in the Progression of Inflammatory Breast CancerDiana Rodríguez Pérez
Behavior and Thermal Preference in the River Shrimp Atya lanipesAna María Paris Tapia