
Título de Actividad | Cohorte 3Autor/a
Air Pollution at my SchoolAixa López
The Life Cycle of Drosophila MelanogasterCarlos Vázquez
Learning About Drosophila Melanogaster Using the MicroscopeElianid Espinosa
Bees and their ImportanceJacqueline López
The Role of Drosophila Melanogaster in scientific ResearchMarisel Cherena
Exploring the Algae WorldMyraida Torres
Assesing Water Quality through MacroinvertebratesWilmari Torres
Life in the Stream – Macroinvertebrates, Water Quality, Biodiversity & ResearchYajaira Torres
Título de Actividad | Cohorte 2Autor/a
Using Drosophila Melanogaster to Develop Scientific LiteracyÁngela Del Toro
Light, Colors, Photosysthesis, and LifeBrenda Berríos
Activities to Develop Science and Engineering PracticesCruz Marie Vázquez
Structures and OrganismsMabel Rodríguez
Scientific Literacy in the Biology CourseSandra Beltrán
Cell Membranes and Polymeric MembranesVilma García
CarcinogensEdwin Ramírez
Título de Actividad | Cohorte 1Autor/a
Thermal PreferenceAna M. París Tapia
From Pollination to Citizen Action. A Look into My Yard from the Perspective of PollinizersBrenda Lee Estévez Moreno
Exploring Macroalgae: Learning and Applications through Laboratory Practices in High SchoolDelís M. Ortiz Santaella
Research to Analyze and Explain Cell Aspects, such as Tentacle Regeneration in Sea CucumbersDiana Galloza Ramírez
How Can We Innovate in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment? STEM Activity Focused on Translational and Applied ResearchDiana Rodríguez Pérez
Marine Macroalgae: The Heroes of the Story?Edna I. Martínez Medina
The Effects of Zinc Oxide on the Behavior of Xiphocaris ElongataJosé Diaz Meléndez
Drosophila Melanogaster Fly: Anatomy, Behavior, Heredity Patterns and MutationsNelly M. Rodríguez Pacheco